I'll be back to blogging, soon!
Please stay tuned, as I will get back to sharing some of my cemetery visits! Especially some exciting new ones in New England!
Photography – macabre and beautiful all at once!
If you think that macabre can be beautiful, too, please view my photographic adventures – all that are cemeteries, graveyards, creepy dolls and abandonment / urban exploration. Of these various explorations, I am most drawn to the exploration of cemeteries and graveyards – they are full of history, amazing art, mystery, and stories. Stories of individuals and communities of those who are laid to rest there. My cemetery explorations have evolved from wanting to get that most creative photo, to also just documenting unique finds and doing research on those that I visit.
Please stay tuned, as I will get back to sharing some of my cemetery visits! Especially some exciting new ones in New England!
Delphi Pioneer Cemetery near Olympia and Littlerock, Washington
My daughter and I most recently visited Washington State in early August. The priorities of this trip were to visit family there, and show my daughter some of the natural wonders of western Washington. Washington’s beauty is immense and breathtaking, from the beaches that meet the rainforests, to the Cascade Mountains, most notably, my favorite place on earth, Mt. Rainier in all it’s snowcapped glory. I personally haven’t been there since around 1989. A much, long overdue visit to see my aunt and cousins.
Of course, I did stop at many roadside oddities and took pictures – Bigfoot is everywhere! And popped into a couple of antique stores to look for dolls. Oh, and I love the pacific northwest native american art, with their bold shapes and colors! Many a quick pull-overs to take a pict of a totem pole! And yes, a couple of quick cemetery stops. Only a couple. After visiting the mysterious Mima Mounds very near Littlerock, my cousin gladly showed me the Delphi Pioneer Cemetery, very close to the eastern border of Capitol State Forest. Most of the old cemeteries that I came across, included the word “Pioneer” in the name. Unlike the cemeteries back east, where you can find graves dated from the 1600’s, these cemeteries are dated only from the 1800’s. Hundreds of thousands of settlers, farmers, miners, ranchers and their families traveled from east to west through the Oregon Trail corridor to follow their dreams of new homes, farmlands and even gold. Many were buried along the way, suffering their fates from disease, accidents and even Native Americans. My ancestors traveled this route, but first, Delphi Pioneer Cemetery.
This cemetery was established in the late 1800s and has graves dating back to the 1890s. It is still used today, as my cousin recognized many individuals laid to rest there. This cemetery is set back from the road, and contained in a small clearing, in the forest. The cemetery on three sides is surrounded by the forest, with the front fenced and gated in. It has a most unique, moss-covered stone arch at it’s entrance with the worn, wooden, cemetery sign hanging from the arch. A cross adorns the top of each pillar.
I did find this recent article on the cemetery, that tells how it came to be and what is going on with it today: http://www.thurstontalk.com/2017/02/16/delphi-pioneer-cemetery/
I also visited the Oddfellows Cemetery in Tumwater. Both my mother and my father were from the Pacific Northwest. My mother growing up here, in Washington, and my father growing up in Montana and Washington. I could just spend a week or more there digging into all sorts of family genealogy! Believe me, I picked at my Aunt’s brain about who’s who in family photos and where my ancestors from both of my grandmother’s sides are buried. And my cousin drove me to many family historical locales. My grandmother from my mother’s side, was a Jeffers. Her uncle and cousin (gee, I hope I got that right), were Joseph and Vibert Jeffers. Very well known photographers in the Olympia area, having a photo studio in downtown Olympia and taking many images important to the history of that area. I even had my photo taken by Vibert in his studio when I was a child, as did much of my family and my siblings and cousins. While Joseph was photographing with Vibert, his son, in a very rugged, remote area of the Olympic Mountains, Joseph disappeared over a cliff into a crevasse, never to be found. They named a glacier after him - Jeffers Glacier. On my other grandmother’s side, my father’s side, is the Rutledge family. I am a descendant of Edward (signer of the Declaration of Independence) and John (integral part of the US Constitution). The Rutledge family was one of those early pioneer families who traveled west, settling in nearby Littlerock. My goal here at Oddfellows Cemetery, was to find all the family headstones and photograph them! Well, it turns out, there are many more Jeffers in Oddfellows than I realized, I guess spread out some, so I did miss many, to my dismay. For the other side of the family, the Rutledges, there were four rows of them! I still need to review and sort out who they all are. I even took the time do gravestone rubbings of both sets of my grandparents, which I have never done before, and I was quite pleased with the results!
Oh, so my pioneer, Oregon Trail, family story... you know I could ramble on and on, but just trying to keep side stories to a minimum. In 1852, my Rutledge ancestors, traveled ultimately from Iowa, (William originally residing in Maryland, making his way to Ohio eventually during his life then on to Indiana then Iowa) along the Oregon Trail to eventually settle on land in what is know as Littlerock, WA. Littlerock was named for the large rock outside of his homestead, that people would step off on from the horse and carriage. That is the super abreviated version, as I have pages of their journey there.
Back on track, what I would like to talk about are the unique things that I have found in the two cemeteries that I visited in Thurston County. Things that I haven’t seen, or probably will not see on the east coast.
The first thing I noticed, that many gravestones are etched with the image of Mt. Rainier, that shows how eternally people love that mountain. Modern-day landscape laser etchings of the mountain to some older, simpler ones.
The second unique thing that caught my eye, were these tombstones that had color inlay in some of the shapes on the stone. The shapes were inset with the color laid on top. And all of those that I saw, the colors didn’t seem faded. For example, roses decorating a tombstone – the rose was inlaid with red, while the leaves and vines were inlaid with green, all on typical colored granite stones, mosty laying flat. I even looked it up online and couldn’t find anything on that, so I need to dig more on how they were made. Please email me if you know anything about these uniquely engraved tombstones. They are simple, yet striking to me! Again, I have never seen anything like that here on the east coast.
Another thing, although I’ve seen it done here, but more frequent sightings out there, of where people put their professions, or hobbies on their tombstone, I think a nice touching add to tombstones. It gives a little more personal information about the one laid to rest there. And finally, I have seen the use of actual photos on tombstones, but usually contained in the small, round, ovals. Some, I’ve even seen with a hinged cover that protects the wear of the image, that you can lift up, or some are just stuck on somehow, and some even laser etched. So hoping I can explain this properly. An area of a tombstone is inset, usually rectangular in shape with a border, and usually of a decent size, with an image placed in there. The the image is covered with some type of see-through material. Perhaps glass? Again, this method was unique to me, and it instantly caught my eye as something new. But I saw it done many times while I visited these two cemeteries.
For such a taphophile as myself, I didn’t venture but to only two cemeteries this trip. Family time and the sights were much more valuable to me and my daughter. Besides, I couldn’t travel all the way to Washington, and drag my daughter to nothing but cemeteries. She used to like going with me, but I guess I’ve worn her down. I was excited though, to visit even just a few cemeteries on the Pacific Coast, most importantly, where my family is laid to rest. My two sisters said to make sure I visit that cemetery. It was already on my to-do list of musts! I hope to visit again soon, and find some missing pieces to my family/cemetery puzzle. If you ever have the chance, visit western Washington State. You too, will be struck by its amazing, jaw dropping beauty! Thank you for reading!
Great Conewago Presbyterian Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA
I am horrified to say, it’s been two years since my last blog. Life is always changing, like getting two new German Shepherd puppies (an American German Shepherd and a German Working-Dog German Shepherd), not so much puppies anymore, with one being about 110 pounds! Yes, I said two. And my graphic design career keeps me busy and pays the bills. Very fortunate to have a job that I love! And always family is first, along with a household to keep up.
But, believe me, I am continuously visiting cemeteries (and collecting dolls – up to over 60 dolls now), whether it be by a chance passing and quickly pulling over to the side of the road. Or planned trips up to Brooklyn and Queens. Even some overnight stays with my husband to Gettysburg and Baltimore. And when visiting family in Washington State, I had to stop by at least one Pioneer Cemetery, and of course, visiting the cemetery where many of my ancestors are laid to rest. Over the past couple of years, I've been prepping for some selling events, and actually have two events coming up very soon! I have another photo exhibit, this coming October at the Lawrenceville Branch Library with a reception, and the Hopewell Valley Historical Society invited me to be part of an upcoming event on October 15 (rain date October 22) called Spirits of Hopewell Valley. Please see my Upcoming Events tab above for more information on both of these!
I have most recently joined the world of Instagram! You can find me there at cjoddphotog. Please follow me, as I would love to gain more followers! Please! I'll soon link my site to Instagram and visa versa, once I figure out how to do that.
I am doing my best to get back at my blogging, and excitedly telling you all about my explores. The next ones that you will see, will be various explores from the past two years. Thank you for your patience. So, stay tuned!
I found this very moving quote on the internet (an Eskimo Proverb quote), and had to share. Not the usual dark passage that I usually seek...
Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
To add to my passion and evolution for my love of cemetery exploration, I am just getting to know the carvers of these stones. Thanks, again, to my friends at Wise Owl Workshops, their study and excitement over the carvers of yesterday, and today, has rubbed off on me! Let me read all I can on them!
So while on a short graphic design assignment right here in the local town of Pennington, what's a girl to do on a lunch break? Well of course – visit the cemetery next door!! Pennington Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Of course living local to here, I have visited this cemetery before. But this time, with greater knowledge and history in my brain. I personally, with exuberant excitement, discovered a few of the older, colonial stones here, signed by Ebenezer Price!
Let me back up a step. If you look towards the bottom of a colonial gravestone (mind you, in my explorations, I have seen modern signatures or the name of monument company carved into modern work) you might see a set of initials, or even a whole name. This is the carver of the stone, just as an artist would sign their painting. Aside from the furniture makers, blacksmiths, silversmiths, potters and glass blowers, the gravestone carver also left their mark in the colonial artistic archives. Decorative art and folk art can be found on all of these mediums of the 1600s and 1700s. Especially in the gravestones of the North East! Oh how I would love to explore the New England cemeteries! Ebenezer Price was a noteworthy and prolific carver of colonial eighteenth century New Jersey. He lived from 1728 to 1788. His work often features the embossed cherubs or soul effigies at the top of the stone with a scalloped shell shape and column-type carving up and down each side of the stone. Just look at these stones – look at the perfection of the typefaces, and the faces, and eyes and details of the hair – all carved by hand and chisel!! Most can't even write on paper as perfect as these. Also found in this cemetery were a couple of stones carved by his apprentices – Abner Stewart and Jonathan Acken. Now that I know more about Mr. Price and these apprentices, I must go back and look at these stones to see if they were carved during Price's life, under his artistic wing, or after his death.
I just had to share this exciting find! Oh what some of the passers by on Main Street must have thought at the site of me pacing excitedly back and forth amongst these tombstones. With this knowledge, I hope you now take a closer look at some of these older tombstones to see who created these amazing masters works of art.
Grave of Princess Doe, Cedar Ridge Cemetery, Blairstown
I am finding, if I do not write my cemetery blogs the day of my excursions, I do not write them. I do hope this writing holds my same excitement of this day's explore. So today in July, I am backtracking to January 20, 2015. A very cold day, and the last snow free week of the winter. That weekend we got one of our first accumulating snows, and it just accumulated from there. If you are from the Northeast, you know what I am talking about.
On this trip, my forever friend Nancy accompanied me! My childhood, best friend – what better way to catch up than on an hours drive north to Hope, NJ and beyond! As always, a big thank you to my Wise Owl Workshop friend's suggestions on where to travel today!
Today we started out at the Swayze Family Burying Ground or Swayze Cemetery, in Hope. This small cemetery screams of history, tucked behind a newly restored stone wall among neighboring farms. I hear the grass is maintained by the sheep that reside at one of these farms! Any relations to the late actor Patrick Swayze, you ask. Why yes! The Swayze family name goes back to great historical importance to the Hope area, which was largely a Moravian settlement. Unfortunately the elements are deteriorating many of these stones, including Israel Swayze's sandstone grave marker. His name is primarily missing, but you can still see the lovely winged soul at the top, and read much of the remaining inscription – "My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpets joyful sound..." many laid to rest here are the descendants of Israel Swayze. He and his brother Barnabas came from Morris County in 1743 and settled on 800 acres of land just southwest of Hope. Hildebrant is another name frequently found within this cemetery. Aside from my favorite winged souls, also here, are a few field stone markers with initials carved, some more ornate stones with shaking hands (matrimony I believe because the sleeves looked different), hands pointing upward (soul has risen to heaven), carved flowers, carved urns, a few obelisks and intricate lettering throughout (as a graphic designer, I love studying the different typefaces used). Notably around the center of the cemetery, is the elaborate, yet weathered statue of a child and lamb laying on a long table-shaped base, for Olivia Hildebrant, only aged 4. Also carved all around the base are elaborate sayings/quotes. For about five years now, a group of wonderful people, The Friends of Swayze, Inc., have worked hard restoring this place of history. They are taking action in various stages to preserve the history here. Please visit the link above to see their progress, but always, much more work to be done!
Ok, I am a true horror movie fan and have been since I was very young. One of my initial reasons for trekking up here, was to visit the Moravian Cemetery, also located in Hope. Picture Annie walking past this cemetery, backpack in tow, on her way to Camp Crystal Lake – a scene from the original Friday the Thirteenth movie. Much of this movie was filmed right here in Hope and Blairstown. The Morvian Cemetery is located right next to the St. John's United Methodist Church (picture postcard perfect white church with towering squared steeple). Yes of course, I first got photos of the infamous cemetery sign, as seen in Friday the 13th. Then we began our exploration. This was by far a much larger cemetery than our first stop, so we kept close to the church, as that is where the oldest gravestones are found. I always have to thank Nancy for her company and finds, with two exploring, more ground can be covered, and she always calls me over for a unique find! It was here where we noted the much used carved art form of the weeping willow (which suggests sorrow and grief). Now the following information I am gathering from a Hope Township website. The German Moravians arrived here in the 1760's traveling from PA on their way to New England. The Morvian religion comes from overseas. They were followers of John Hus from Prague who was eventually burned at the stake for his rebellion against the Catholic Church, in the early 1400's. It is one of the earliest forms of the Protestant religion. These followers continued his practice into Moravia and Bohemia (now the Czech Republic). In the late 1600's they were persecuted and traveled to Germany to get away. Later many missionaries traveled to North America to settle. This cemetery dates from the mid 1700's with the church next door being built in 1876. Numerous Civil War veterans are laid to rest here. Marble stones with artwork adorning the tops - the shaking hands, wreaths, flowers, scrolling banners, crosses and weeping willows. My favorite stone there, holds a strong graphic of a weeping willow with urn and the name "SARAH" strong and bold in a most unique curled serif typeface... Wife of James F. Compton. A simple squared stone with a curved top, with a carved double outlined pointed arch. Within this arch is the artwork and inscription. I do need to post my photo finds soon! I say that often, I know. I am so behind.
After this extensive walk around the older section of the Moravian Cemetery, it was time to replenish our energy, and get warmed up. So the horror movie buff in me took us to the Blairstown Diner, again, as seen in Friday the 13th! A great, tasty lunch for both of us in this quaint, New Jersey diner!
Onward! Right down the street from the diner is Cedar Ridge Cemetery, founded in 1889. Our primary goal here was to locate the resting place of Princess Doe. Ok, being from Hopewell Township, NJ, I remember our own, but recently identified severed head from Jane Doe in 1989, that was found on a local golf course. I was unaware of the story of Princess Doe, so hit the internet, I did. On July 15, 1982 the body of a young girl, aged 14 to 20, was found right here at Cedar Ridge Cemetery in Blaristown. After following up on missing persons reports, DNA, artist renderings, being featured on television shows, including America's Most Wanted, she sadly remains unidentified to this day. She was buried six months after she was found, after remaining un-named – funds being donated for a coffin and headstone. Thirty years to the day that she was found, the citizens of Blairstown, who never forgot her, gave her a memorial service. What a touching tribute by the Blairstown community. Nancy and I split up to find her final resting place. I remembered that I learned that she was buried at the top of the ravine to where she was found, so by looking at a map I headed in that general area, and found her. It was very touching to see all of the mementos left by visitors, including notes from school children, jewelry, angels and flowers. Her headstone reads
Missing from home
Dead among strangers
Remembered by all
Born ? – Found July 15, 1982
So sad that she remains unknown that no one missed her.
In our scramble to find Princess Doe, zig zagging amongst the tombstones, we came across more weeping willows and traditional art of the 19th century, but also some of today's, most unique, full color laser etched stones that I have ever seen! But one simple one made me smile – Snoopy playing the piano.
On our way out of Blairstown, on our way to our last cemetery stop, we took a drive by the old arched Grist Mill, also of Friday the 13th fame. Is this a movie destination trip or a cemetery trip!? It could have easily turned into a movie destination trip by going much further away to find the location of the fictional Camp Crystal Lake, but we kept on track making our way down Rt. 94 to Fredon Township to The Yellow Framed Presbyterian Church and adjoining cemetery.
In the 1750's it originated as a log church not far from it's present day location. Originally completed and dedicated in 1786, it is as it is named, a yellow church with white trim – delightfully unique! As soon as we pulled up, I was very excited to be here, as Lorna from Wise Owl Workshops mentioned there were many, brilliant red sandstone gravestones! And many stones there were signed by the carvers themselves! Another aspect of gravestone study that I want to explore further! Many I found were signed by John Solomon Teetzel, either with a "T" or J.S. Teetzel. I am also still trying to master the identification of the types of stones, what they are made of. I believe there are a number of slate stones, too. The age of these go back to the mid 1700's, yet there are some that seem to be unharmed by the weather. The style and age of this cemetery is where I could plop myself down in front of each stone and study it – make out all of the inscriptions, is there a signed carver, study the uniqueness of some of the type styles and intricate initials. This is also the first cemetery that I am seeing the use of an "f" in a word that should actually be an "s", as in "Fons" instead of "Sons". The first use of an "s" is changed to an "f". I also saw a great deal of this at the Whippany Burying Ground. And again, much use of the weeping willow as an art form. Although over an hours drive away, I have made a mental note to return here. Even just wandering all day taking photographs, you still do "hit a wall" and run out of steam. And the frigid cold did not help. I was chilled to the bone. I have the gloves that I can easily slip out my fingers to adjust my camera, but frozen just the same. It was time to get warmed up in the car and make the drive back home. At this point, Nancy was even in the car already warming up. Even with a friend, you also have to keep in mind their span of attention and know when to call it quits. But with Nancy, her span of attention is much longer than that of my family's!!! Thanks Nancy!!
On the drive home, we spied some additional small cemeteries and abandoned barns, but I was just out of my grand enthusiasm. I think my camera needed to warm up, as well. One small, overgrown cemetery really did catch my attention, so I made note of the location and area on a map, so here is another visit on my next travels to Warren County.
Another exploration like this is well over-do, hopefully soon...
I do my research via the internet to pass along historical facts behind the places I visit. I hope I translate in accuracy as I try to sum up the facts to keep my blogs interesting and at a decent length.
Whippany Burying Yard, Whippany, NJ - this stone is dated 1733
On Sunday May, 3, I was invited by my Wise Owl Workshop friends to join them at a dedication ceremony up in Hanover Township, at the Whippany Burying Yard. It was a very nice ceremony – the local boy scout troop participated, local clergy said opening and closing prayers, township officials and the dedicators themselves – members of the Hanover Township Landmark Commission and Whippany River Watershed Action Committee all spoke. Some dressed in period clothing! Just beautiful, ladies!! Local history and history of this burying ground was of course discussed, as well. In 1718, it is the oldest graveyard in North West New Jersey. In 1718, Schoolmaster John Richards signed a deed, then donated this tract of land to the citizens of Whippanong – for a meeting house to worship God and schoolhouse and a burying yard. Even a training yard for the local milita. Please visit this site to read its thorough history and information about the many notables who are buried there – http://www.hanovertownship.com/Portals/1/Landmark/BY_Tour.pdf .
On this beautiful, warm Sunday, a memorial – Known Only to God – was dedicated at this 300 year old burying yard – to remember the 100+ people laid to rest there in unmarked graves. In order to be sure that local officials (mayors) could in present day be buried here, they hired an individual to do ground penetrating and electromagnetic survey of the open areas. I am not a scientist so I'll explain as easy as I know, but the equipment used crosses the area, notes the ground density. Areas where grave were dug shows a different density. Ok, right from Wiki – it is used to create maps of subsurface archaeological features – even traces of human activities. Geophysical instruments can detect buried features when their physical properties contrast measurably with their surroundings. Like the ground density is different where a grave has been dug than the soil around it. That is how they discovered these 100+ unmarked graves. Why, I asked would so many be buried with out a marker. We won't ever know for sure, but it could have been for social status reasons, mass illness and death... what do you think?
After the ceremony concluded, refreshments were served and tours of the burying yard were given. Of course I joined one, but along with Lorna and Phil, we often got delayed ooooing and aaaaahhhhing over our stone art discoveries. The photo above is my favorite, ever, soul effigy that I have found. I love the face, especially they eyes. The entire stone was a work of art. Many incredible sandstone markers with winged souls and my first ever sightings of winged skulls!! Not just one or two, but many! Other stones there are made from marble and granite. I never tire of looking at the older sandstone markers, often just plopping myself down and sitting on the ground directly in front of the gravestone, reading it, studying it's typeface, noting any different forms of spelling words, – like the way an "f" is used in place of an "s"– is blefsed... affectionate as a hufband...
This beautiful little 300 year old burying yard is well worth a visit, tucked right between Rt. 10 and the Whippany River below. You can park in the J&R Tobacco parking lot, and cross the new, very quaint bridge over into the buying yard. View all of the winged skulls and winged souls, each individual in look and style. You may ask why some are worn and some are immaculate. Well some stones have been sent off and restored! Incredible! It is wonderful when these historic towns care and preserve these local burying grounds and cemeteries. You hear of so many stories where neglect or towns not wanting to take responsibility for these historic locations Cheers to the Landmark Commission of Hanover!
St. Mary's Episcopal Church and Cemetery, Burlington, NJ
So I did! My daughter Faith accompanied me on today's adventure! Since unemployed and still looking for work, technically this would count for leaving her out of school today. Oh but where to go? Of course I wanted to explore somewhere different, not local, so I took out my Weird N.J. Last Exit issue – a writer's top ten Garden State cemeteries to visit – St. Mary's Episcopal Church and Cemetery in historic Burlington, New Jersey. The only one on the list not over an hour away. Under 30 minutes, an easy ride! Very Gothic, indeed! Manageable size for a day's visit. First off, I must say this area of Burlington was absolutely beautiful, right out of a history book. It was also nice and quiet for the hustle and bustle of a week day. And spring's blossoms were opening and sharing their beauty!
In 1695, land was acquired here for a cemetery. St. Mary's Episcopal Church (the oldest Episcopal Church in New Jersey) was established in 1703. The old church still stands on the corner of Wood and Broad Street, where I even found three tombstones embedded right in the walls! The present day church was completed in 1854. With spring's beauty finally here and so many individuals to visit, I often get overwhelmed where to start! This gothic cemetery with so many stones, so close together and the vastness of the artwork in each! Often I visit cemeteries that have no church next to it. This churchyard and stunningly beautiful gothic revival style of architecture made this a most incredible visit! How many people do you know that find cemeteries breathtaking?
We came across two Vietnam War veterans, proudly giving brand new American flags to those veterans laid to rest there – all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Times are unfortunately are a changing. These gentlemen who proudly wear their veteran status caps, say how the young men of military status of today, do not care to volunteer their time to do such things as lay out flags for those who paved the way for our freedom, or volunteer time with such alliances as the American Legion. I told these men how grateful I am for their service and they appreciated me saying that. Other New Jersey historic notables are buried there, as well.
We both wander around, exploring on our own. It always saddens me that these stones, many from the early 1700's are barely legible anymore. Especially the table top tombs, really exposed to the weather, not many, if any were legible.
Faith needing a break and some food, what is right across the street that we could not resist – The Ghost Hunter Store – theghosthunterstore.com ! Everything you need as a paranormal investigator or to help rid your home of unwanted beings or even some fun treats. Paranormal investigator Dave welcomed this odd duo of cemetery explorers. I did have to ask about any haunted dolls he may have come across, and he had! Faith and I both would love the opportunity to become ghost hunters, but alas, enough on my plate. We did walk out with a tshirt and some other small items. Then off to Faith's choice of nourishment – Legend's Gormet Pizza and Salads. Well worth the visit. Super pizza!
After our amazing mushroom and black olive pizza, we went back to explore where we hadn't had a chance, Faith mainly enjoying her music at this point. I can't expect everyone to share my passion. I am always grateful for her early on enthusiasm! I discovered across a side street, the Burlington Quaker Meeting House, with it's back lot a cemetery, filled with all similar style, low lying gravestones. Including one large rock/memorial as his body is laid to rest nearby, to Indian Chief Ockanickon – "Be plain and fair to all, both Indian and Christian as I have been" – 1681, friend of the white man. I then made my way back to the car, trying to take different vantage point photos of the churchyard and church and making sure I didn't miss anything unique. That was enough for today. I had another cemetery to visit, but I know when to call it quits, especially with a companion today! On the way to and from, we also passed the Bristol Cemetery – looks worth a visit. Even though driving, I think I spied some funerary statuary. Thank you to my daughter Faith for your company and enthusiasm while it lasted. I bet no one else at school can say they explored a historic cemetery while at work with their parents!
Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lambertville, New Jersey
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
John 3 : 16 – 17
Harbourton Cemetery
Friday, it snowed all day, and into the evening. Heavy wet snow that clung to everything! I really should have woken up earlier on Saturday, knowing that. The lighting was absolutely beautiful while I pondered going out with my camera. Everything was covered in white! Of all the storms this winter, nothing coated the trees like this storm. My husband took my truck to go plow at work, so I then had two cars to clean off the like 7 inches of snow, to get my son's car out. In the meantime the sun was coming up and snow started falling off the trees in clumps! I figured I better go to the closest cemetery to me – Harbourton Cemetery. I often visit there in the snow and fog. I often visit there because it is a very special cemetery to me as my father and mother are laid to rest there. From the main road, the cemetery slopes upward and at the top of the hill is the Second Baptist Church of Hopewell, no longer in use. This rural cemetery was established in 1803. The older gravestones are closest to the church, where I most often photograph. I must explore this area more thoroughly, as there are a number of fieldstone markers, and I know those can date way back. When I arrived, the snow still clung to the trees and gravestones, in a picturesque and peaceful beautiful landscape. The snow was deep enough, that I had to watch my step not to step on any covered foot stones or covered fieldstones. I did not want a repeat of the Friday before where I fell on the ice in Lambertiville Cemetery – my elbow is still bruised and hurts. I made my way up to the highest boundary of the property where I played with some images taken through the snow covered branches – with clumps of snow falling on my head! I made my way through the stones, where I often stop and ponder – it always fascinates me as to the ages of some of these graves and I think of those that lived here in Hopewell Valley way back in that day. Although I know that if I go up north, the stones get much older! Someday, although we did visit Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in NY!! I also studied the way the snow related to the gravestones, some with speckled patterns of the way the snow blew on tho the gravestones. Some with snowy patterns with green lichen peeking through. The way the snow drifts up the gravestones. The way the snow started to sag from the sun's rays and it looks like the visor of a baseball cap, just hanging there. And the way the shadows fall onto the snow. I love photographing shadows! I was very glad that I decided to visit here, as it may be our last snow of the season. I couldn't miss this photo op. Spring is now here, and I look forward to visiting many cemeteries with my camera as the flowers start blooming. Photographing cemeteries in the different seasons, can give you different feelings. Photographing in the fog, and in the winter with the leafless silhouettes of the gnarly trees can give you a solemn almost stereotypical scary feeling that cemeteries give most people. And in the blossoming spring, and summers lush greenery, a feeling of rebirth and hope and happiness, that they really are places of peace and beauty. And the fall's colors are simply just beautiful and spectacular in any setting. But nothing like a stark contrast of a simple grey stone up against a bright orange and red tree. Sorry, I got off my original snowy day topic. I hope to return to a new blog very soon as I have past stories that I have not had a chance to blog yet!
Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lambertville, New Jersey
Or even walk fast. No, I'm not telling a child not to run. I'm telling myself. Yesterday, I woke up to the fog returning after disappearing from the evenings thick and heavy shroud. After my daughter got on the school bus, I ran out with my camera to go to the Mt. Hope Cemetery in Cemetery. I hadn't visited that in fog yet. This cemetery sits high up on a hill – you are actually overlooking the town of Lambertville – really quite pretty. Well the only fog that remained was on the other side of the cemetery from where I parked, where it slopes down towards town. With fog, time is always of the essence so I quick paced it to that area. I was careful to watch each step as the cemetery still mostly sits under snow. With all the thaws and refreezes, there is snow, slush and ice. Well, I though I was speeding through a slushy area, which was actually ice, and down I went. A hard down on my rear end and left elbow. Ow, is putting it mildly, but my camera was safe! And I was grateful that I didn't bang my head on a tombstone! After composing myself, I was able to capture only a few shots, but not as much fog as I like. I did end up exploring the cemetery a bit more but not too long, as I knew every step was treacherous. I had first visited this cemetery with my friends from Wise Owl Workshops (see my Please Also Visit page) on a very hot and humid summer day. I was able to join them in a cemetery explore before attending one of their cemetery art and symbolism workshops. It was their great enthusiasm and passion that really drew me into exploring cemeteries, other than trying to get the most creative photo. From then, my cemetery explorations have had a whole new meaning.
After about four months, I am finally able to get my Laurel Hill Cemetery photos posted. Here we are in the cold of the winter – we’ve had arctic temperatures and snow that will not go away and accumulating since late January. I did get to go on one other explore with a good friend right before all this snow hit (blogs to come on those that I visited!) Talk about perfect timing. Four months since Laurel Hill, among the still warmish sun and some brilliant fall colors. I wish I could devote all of my time to my love of photography and walking through cemeteries, but alas, life’s priorities get in the way (and snow and frigid temps). But I like to be thorough with my discoveries. I take many, many photos on a cemetery walk, with many taken to go back and do internet research on what I found... and I found some wonderful surprises!
Finds of old, worn gravestones that are sadly hard to read in this 21st century, to elaborate statues of hopeful angels and obelisks with a person’s life’s achievements written on them. Of course there are the cemetery notables, like the Warner Monument sculpted by Alexander Milne Calder, the cemetery's beautiful ladies in stone scattered throughout, and simply its location overlooking the Schuylkill River.
Looking in the right place, I spy this stone in an odd, secluded location. Adrian Balboa ... wait ... I did a double take! Why is that name familiar to me? Well it came to me much sooner than most... I can hear Sylvester Stallone repeatedly calling out her name... Adrian! Rocky! But she is a fictional character. Snap this most unusual find and research it later. Well, it turns out that Laurel Hill Cemetery has a tour of “Famous People Not Buried at Laurel Hill”. According to one website, Sylvester Stallone thought the styrofoam prop was tacky, so they made an actual stone to film the cemetery scenes there. She is found near the main gate... as you enter, make a direct left and she is just a few yards away up on the left, between the road and the chain link fence separating the cemetery from Ridge Avenue.
My most favorite find in my research, I found by accident, and thought it an appropriate find for a photography lover as myself! I try to document anything unique that I find and I photographed a particular gravestone that caught my eye with an image of a rather handsome man from the 1800’s. His name is Robert Cornelius. After studying chemistry, he worked for his father in the family business at a lamp manufacturing company where he became know for his work in silver plating and metal polishing. With the help of a fellow chemist Paul Beck Goddard, he attempted to perfect the daguerreotype (a picture is made on a silver surface sensitized with iodine was developed by exposure to mercury vapor). He took this self portrait which is supposedly the first photograph of a human in history. Between 1841 and 1843 he operated one of the earliest photographic studios before the business of photography grew and he then returned to the family business. I was very excited that this quick snap, ended up being a notable person in the history of photography! Pat on the back for me!
I spent two Sundays here at Laurel Hill, but could return again and again and still not be able to visit this remarkable and beautiful cemetery thoroughly. I hope to return again!
Riverview Cemetery, Trenton, NJ - October 28, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving to all. For me, it is about being with my family. I often think about Thanksgivings past. My family was from the West Coast, so I got to see my grandparents maybe twice a year – but always for Thanksgiving. Fond memories of them and large family gatherings. Sometimes all of us fitting around the dining room table, other times a house full and we kids had to sit at the card table – the kids table. Football on the tv, a big fire roaring in the fireplace where many collapsed with that top button on their pants unbuttoned to give more room for dessert. Grandparent visits often came with sightseeing visits to area attractions including Philadelphia and New York City. Enjoy this day with the ones you love and may it bring a smile to your face to think about loved ones past, and the time they got to spend with you.
November 9, 2014 – our second visit to Laurel Hill Cemetery, again with my husband, daughter and my niece. No crazy wind this time – a beautiful day! Although I also call a dreary foggy, misty day, a beautiful day, too – especially out with my camera. This time we started on the far side of the cemetery – the other side of West Hunting Park Avenue – just a very small section did I explore along the edge of Fairmont Park, in about an hour and a halfs time. We parked under the gaze of the four angels in a row, standing on their pedestals. This area, as the entire cemetery, holds uniqueness around every corner. Nothing looks the same or repetitive as you see in many modern age cemeteries. Angels high on pedestals, and some on much shorter ones, where you can look into their eyes and feel their sadness or their gazes of hope. One of my favorites is of a childlike angel, high on a pedestal, kneeling on one knee in prayer, gazing up at the sky - the stone below being so worn from the elements, I hope maybe some trickery in Photoshop can help me decipher its memories. In my wandering I came upon a most unique tomb/sarcophagi, gothic in style, I believe – hey, I have a lot of research and studying to do to master this. Inside the columns and decorative arches on one end read a plaque: 'A tribute – To the memory of Sarah Ann, the lamented wife of George L. Harrison. Who "fell asleep" on Sunday, May 12, 1850, aged 35 years.' So young! In front of this plaque laid a sleeping lamb. On the other end read: 'A sunbeam not lost in darkness, but returned to its sphere. In thy light, shall we see light.' Eternal love this husband holds for his departed wife. After a drive exploring and a picnic lunch under the most brilliantly colored tree in the entire cemetery, we moved on to explore Millionaires Row and it's vast and magnificent mausoleums. Peering inside, some entirely entombed, you are peering into darkness, and some hold magnificent works of stained glass. From here I wandered back out into the open area where I found more works of art of engravings and statuaries. I could go on, but want my photos to tell more of my journeys here – oh yes, we will be back. The home of our country's independence holds so much history. There will be other Philadelphia cemeteries to explore. The above photo is of the Ford Mausoleum found on "Millionaires Row". I will be posting a gallery of photos of Laurel Hill very soon.
October 26, 2014 - my first visit to Laurel Hill Cemetery, and by no means my last visit. I hadn't felt so excited and overwhelmingly impressed entering a cemetery, since visiting Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in New York a year ago. Entering Laurel Hill, I knew I would not be able to make a dent in this roughly 78 to 95 acre (depends where I look that up) sculpture and vast garden of history. Thousands of lives here, stories behind each and every one. In 1836, Laurel Hill Cemetery was the second of it's kind - the second rural/garden cemetery in the United States. On this sunny, windy and beautiful fall foliage Sunday visit, I had with me, my husband, my daughter and her friend. I'm thinking the cemetery curiosity/interest may be rubbing off on my husband! Laurel Hill is the final resting place of many Revolutionary War and Civil War figures, people of great Philadelphia prominence (just drive along Millionaire's Row to see the vast mausoleums) and six of the Titanic's passengers are laid to rest here, as well. Entire families are found together. It is sadly striking to see how many young ones are buried here. Back in the 19th century, they young were so very vulnerable. Another trip is planned here with my family and of course my camera! Each stone has a story to tell, and each one is a work of art in it's own. So many beautiful angelic figures, (the pretty ladies as some of us call them), vast engravings with life's symbolism (with my Stories in Stone guidebook in tow), towering obelisks, grand mausoleums, much older and more vulnerable stones with worn out names and epitaphs. Two pairs of bright blue seats from Veterans Statium surround the resting place and a towering sculpture of a microphone, of sports announcer Harry Kalas, overlooking the Schuykill River. Many leaving mementos to one of Philadelphia's most loved citizen - baseballs, Phillies caps, wine bottles, a shot glass and a stuffed animal. And most notably, the world famous sculpture at the William Warner resting place - sculpted by Alexander Milne Calder - the woman lifting the lid from his coffin to release his soul. The most unique by far. I greatly look forward to my next visit here to explore the vastness of what this cemetery holds. After my next visit, I will excitedly display my work in a Laurel Hill gallery page. Thank you and please visit again soon!
Original site of the Pennington Methodist Church and Burial Ground
Fall – the perfect time of year to get back into doing what I love. Photography! Photography and exploring cemeteries – places of history, places of art, places that hold the history of so many lives and the area and community that surrounds it.
The crisp days, the colors on the trees, the misty and foggy mornings – there is no time of year like it. I have explored and photographed cemeteries on summer's hottest days to winters snowiest days. With spring's flowers blooming high and low and with fall's brilliant colors truly beautifying these peaceful places. Alas, life's demands always gets in the way in doing what we enjoy doing for ourselves. But I will make the time. My husband and my daughter will join me on an upcoming explore that I am most excited about – since going to Sleepy Hollow a year ago. I hope they gain the appreciation, love and curiosity that I have had since I was a child.
Here, in this blog, I hope to share my journeys with you. I always aim to shoot those artistic images, but also to just take images to document something that I have found interesting and want to research more. So please visit my website often, to see where I've been. Thank you for visiting my website!